Interview: Sharing Some of My Pre-Birth Memory
How to Let Go of Struggle and Know Who You Really Are
Interview: Sharing Some of My Pre-Birth Memory
This video is taken from my Video Series; The Three Stages of Awareness. It’s about your Intuition.
Your Intuition is a powerful gift here to help you to Let Go and Know; to Let Go of Struggle and Know Who You Really Are.
When you listen to the deeper part of yourself, you won’t become lost in this reality.
When you learn to recognize the voice of your Divine Guidance over the egoic voice that can chatter away at you all day long, you become empowered and life becomes juicy!
If you’d like to learn more about my 3 main tools and how to begin to live the fulfilling life you were born to live, then email me at [email protected] for your Complimentary Clarity Session.
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Have you ever yearned to express yourself creatively but you haven’t allowed yourself to?
In this video, I share my experience of exactly what’s happening when you decide to become creative in your life; be it artistically or in your everyday living.
It’s deep and delicious!
Also included is “Your Health Tip For Today.”
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My latest video is about the benefit of a simple question you can ask yourself in your everyday life that will enable you to create the content of your life from a position of power, rather than from your conditioning or from scarcity.
And 2 simple steps to freeing your energy so you can shift from collapse to courage and continue your day from a more expansive space; able to receive Divine guidance more easily. Yay!
Also included is your very useful “Health Tip For Today.”
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What happens when you are doing something for the first time or when you need to make a decision that you feel unsure about and you approach it from a place of openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be totally comfortable with not knowing what to do?
I share my experience with you in this video blog.
Also included is your “Health Tip For Today.”
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If you feel abandoned by life, please remember that you are not your emotions, you are not your thoughts, you are not the fear, abandonment, or loneliness that can engulf you.
The reason it feels as if you are is because you have been conditioned to identify with your thoughts, your emotions, your mind, and body as if there is no separation between you and what has a grip on you.
Choose a quantum leap in perspective away from this conditioned belief, into your Truth.
Your Truth is that you cannot be abandoned by life… because you are one with life; you are life itself.
Also included is your “Health Tip For Today.”
In this video, I’m sharing one effective way for you to get perspective on any issue that you may be experiencing. It’s so easy to focus too much on a problem so that you end up living from a contracted space that feels awful. So let’s expand out and please implement the simple tool that I share here so that your problems, mind chatter, and stress lose their grip on you and you can connect more and more with your truth.
Also included is your “Health Tip For Today.”
I love to see happy animals, especially when they have had a difficult past. The horse having fun in this video was born with an in-turned leg, judged as useless, and was heading for a distressing end. I wanted to share her energy with you now. One of the gifts that animals offer us is their presence. Even if they have suffered in the past, they don’t turn it into a story and then continue to live from there; they naturally occupy the present moment, you can feel it when you are with them. Deep joy comes from fully realizing that this presence is our natural state too! Your life can change completely when you let go of the thoughts you have about your past and claim your truth now.
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While I was watching the Solar Eclipse, the truth was reinforced, about the light being ever-present even when we perceive darkness. The darkness of struggle blocks you from feeling the light but the light is ALWAYS available for you to draw from, to live from…to BE.
When you expand your energy out, it dissolves the contracted feeling of struggle and stress and you can continue your day from a completely different and more powerful space…yay!